
Here you'll find some of my latest photo sessions. From gorgeous senior sessions, to cozy lifestyle and personalized branding shoots. Grab a cup of coffee and take your time browsing through some of my favorite sessions!! Maybe you'll even find some inspiration for your session!! Enjoy!!




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I remember the day I met Denver (and later her parents). She was SUPER easy going, so kind and literally couldn’t stop smiling. I kept telling her she reminded me of Taylor Swift (y’all I do love Taylor!!), and I think I oohed and ahhed at every image I took of her. Can we say […]

May 16, 2019

Denver, Lakewood Ranch High School Senior Photography, Bradenton, Florida

Hey y’all! It’s almost 2019! And I get to share another amazing high school senior with you guys! Meet Maria! She’s a graduating senior at Saint Stephens High School in Bradenton. I really get blessed to get some of the kindest seniors ever (and all their moms are pretty incredible too!). We got so many […]

December 30, 2018

Maria, Saint Stephens Episcopal High School, Bradenton High School Senior Photographer

I remember meeting Abby at her sister’s senior photos 5 years ago (5 years y’all! Abby was maybe 12 years old?!) I jokingly told her mom “Maybe I’ll still be cool by the time Abby is a senior and we can do her pics!!” Wellll, so not sure if I’m cool, but we DID do […]

December 29, 2018

Abby, Braden River High School, Bradenton High School Senior Photographer

When Sidney told me she loved Indie music, I knew we would get along 🙂 I asked what some of her personality traits were and she said ambitious, optimistic and enthusiastic… and she was 100% right. Sidney is super sweet and extremely intelligent (she just got accepted to Davidson College in NC! YAY congrats!!). She […]

December 20, 2018

Sidney, Saint Stephens Episcopal High School, Bradenton High School Senior Photographer

Guys!! I’m so so excited to be blogging about my 2019 seniors! They are all super sweet and so incredible. Meet Ayla! She’s a dog loving soccer player who loves Cosmo magazine! Her fav color is PINK 🙂 Love that color too!! And her bucket list includes traveling to Bora Bora, skydiving and helping shelter […]

December 18, 2018

Ayla, St. Stephens High School, Bradenton High School Senior Photographer